AZ, September 16, 2003 - Fairytale Brownies, a catalog mail-order gourmet
chocolate brownie company, is proud to announce its website,, was
named "Best Food Industry Website" in the Web Marketing Association's 2003
WebAward competition.
Now in its 7th year, the WebAward competition for website excellence is the premier annual award competition that judges website development against an ever increasing Internet standard and against peer sites within the industry.
The WebAward competition is conducted by the Web Marketing Association, Inc. (WMA), an independent volunteer organization founded with the purpose of improving the quality of advertising, marketing and promotion used to attract visitors to corporate websites.
Entries were judged by a panel of distinguished experts in the areas of: Design, Innovation, Content, Technology, Interactivity, Navigation and Ease of use. Accolades from the judging panel included:
"Very pleasing design. I got hungry just looking at the home page! Very nice use of rollovers. Graphics and color scheme were very pleasing to my eyes. The catalog was produced in an organized manner that made it easy to read. I like the options of shopping by category or price. Very nice site!", launched in 1995, was one of the first e-commerce websites in Arizona. It currently generates 35% of company revenues. Christopher Hill, web designer of, maintains a "keep it simple" mantra to ensure Fairytale Brownies customers have an enjoyable online buying experience.